Outwood Post 16 Doncaster boasts some excellent facilities that our sixth form students enjoy including a purpose built Sixth Form Centre, enabling students to get the best out of their studies and the most enjoyment from school.
Academic Study Areas
Facilities include a dedicated and purpose-built sixth form centre which includes a common work area for you to study, all with laptops/computers for you to access throughout the day. Sixth form students also make use of main school facilities i.e. subject-specific facilities, science laboratories, engineering suites and an art studio. A variety of specific sixth form study areas support students’ academic excellence during the day. The dedicated learning centre within the sixth form centre is where students can work in a silent environment and access A-level resources, and is open from 8.00 am - 5.00 pm. Alternatively, bookable study rooms are available and the sixth form common room provides a more sociable working environment. The sixth form uses the school library facilities independently throughout the day for study and to obtain assistance with their academic work. The librarians work with students in class groups, and on an individual basis, to direct them towards the most appropriate resources for their individual academic and personal needs.
Blended Learning Facilities
Outwood Grange Academies Trust have spent the last six years mastering Google Workspace, and the best ways to deploy this vital tool into classrooms. Outwood Adwick Post 16 has embraced the suite and uses it as the preferred tool for delivering our online curriculum offer, resource production, online learning and social communication.
G Suite works on any PC, laptop, tablet, smartphone or any other mobile device and is free of charge to use. All students have been provided with their Google login to access everything they need.
Doncaster Post 16 uses Google Classroom to organise the delivery of our online provision. From their Google Classrooms students can access Google Meet in order to join their live lessons. Through Google Classrooms students will access curriculum material posted by their teachers which will enable them to submit assignments and receive feedback.
G Suite provides students access to secure cloud-based storage space in the form of Google Drive removing the worry of losing important data by damaging or misplacing a memory stick. It gives access to Docs, Sheets, and Slides - powerful word-processor, spreadsheet and presentation software. These programs allow real-time collaboration, save changes automatically and track revision history.