Guided Learning Allocations

Choosing Courses

When you are choosing your subjects you should think about subjects that you enjoy and those which make a sensible combination for your chosen career or entry into higher education. Studying at post 16 level is demanding and students will need to have been successful at GCSE level to ensure they are well-equipped for post-16. There is an expectation of students to regularly work at home and therefore as students, they will need to be committed to courses and motivated to succeed.

Entry Requirements

To study T-level courses you will need to have achieved a grade 4 or better in Maths and either English language or literature at GCSE. You will also be expected to have performed well if you have chosen an option related to the T-level you choose to apply for. These are indicated under each subject in the A-Z subject overviews.


T Levels are a 2-year qualification designed to give you a head start towards the career you want. The government has developed T Levels to deliver world-class technical education and give you a new choice after GCSEs.

Re-sitting GCSE English and mathematics

These are compulsory if you do not have a grade 4 or better already.